Properties of Real Numbers

Complete Guide to Real Number Properties in Algebra

what-are-properties-of-real-numbersThe world of mathematics is vast and complex, yet foundational concepts like the properties of real numbers help to make sense of it all. Real numbers encompass all the numbers we typically encounter, including whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers.

Understanding these properties provides a framework for solving equations, understanding mathematical relationships, and applying mathematical concepts to real-world problems.

This article explores the essential properties of real numbers, breaking down their definitions and significance.

What are Real Numbers?


Real numbers encompass all the numbers on the number line, including rational numbers (such as integers and fractions) and irrational numbers (such as the square root of non-perfect squares and pi).

They represent all possible magnitudes for measuring continuous quantities, allowing for precise calculations in mathematics and applied sciences. The set of real numbers is fundamental to algebra, calculus, and beyond, serving as the building blocks for most mathematical concepts.

What are Properties of Real Numbers?

Properties of real numbers are rules that describe the arithmetic and algebraic operations within the set of real numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These properties, such as commutative, associative, distributive, identity, and inverse, provide a framework for simplifying expressions and solving equations. Understanding these properties is crucial for mathematical reasoning and problem-solving across various fields of study.

Real numbers are numbers that can be expressed as an infinite decimal expansion. This would include both rational and irrational numbers. These numbers have to follow certain properties. Understanding the properties helps with number sense, doing calculations quicker, and with understanding algebra.

Here is a list of the properties of real numbers:

  1. Commutative Property of Addition
  2. Commutative Property of Multiplication
  3. Associative Property of Addition
  4. Associative Property of Multiplication
  5. Distributive Property
  6. Additive Identity Property
  7. Multiplicative Identity Property
  8. Additive Inverse Property
  9. Multiplicative Inverse Property
  10. Zero Property

Let’s take a look at each.

Commutative Property

The commutative property applies to both addition and multiplication of real numbers, stating that the order in which two numbers are added or multiplied does not affect the result.

Addition: a+b=b+a

Multiplication: a×b=b×a

This property simplifies calculations and allows for flexible rearrangement of terms in an expression.

The first two properties, the Commutative Property of Addition and the Commutative Property of Multiplication state that the order in which the numbers are operated will not change the solution. This means that for addition and multiplication, you can switch the order.

Commutative Property of Addition

a+b= b+a


This can be helpful to move the order to add complementary numbers. For an example if you had to add the following numbers:

13+52+37 or 13+37+52

Commutative Property of Multiplication

a⋅b= b⋅a


You can change the order to add up 13 and 37 since 3+7 is equal to 10. The same concept applies to multiplication

4⋅37⋅25 or 4⋅25⋅37

If you adjust the order you can multiply 4 and 25 to get one hundred making the multiplication by 37 easier.

Associative Property

The associative property, like the commutative property, applies to the addition and multiplication of real numbers. It states that the way numbers are grouped in an addition or multiplication operation does not change the outcome.

Addition: (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)

Multiplication: (a×b)×c=a×(b×c)

This property is crucial for simplifying expressions and solving equations efficiently by re-grouping terms without altering the result.

The next two properties, the Associative Property of Addition and the Associative Property of Multiplication, state that when you are adding, or multiplying, three values together the solution doesn’t change regardless of the way in which they are grouped.

Associative Property of Addition



Associative Property of Multiplication



Notice that with the associative properties, the order does not change, only the location of the brackets.




Both sides of the equation result in the same answer, 60. Some may find the multiplication of 3 and 20 easier than 15 and 4.

Distributive Property

The distributive property connects multiplication and addition, stating that multiplying a sum by a number is the same as multiplying each addend by the number and then adding the products.

Formula: a×(b+c)=(a×b)+(a×c)

This property is especially useful in algebra for expanding expressions and solving equations.

The distributive property states:


This property has a value outside of a sum and distributes it to all values in the parenthesis. This is a technique that is used to help simplify multiplication as well as has uses with polynomials. Let’s start with using the distributive property with multiplication.

7×43 Decompose 43




In algebra you will use the distribution property to multiply polynomials since the values can not be added since they are not like terms.

Example 1



Example 2


(x⋅x)+(x⋅-2)+(3⋅x)+(3⋅ -2)


Identity Property

The identity property identifies the unique number that, when combined with another number through addition or multiplication, leaves the original number unchanged.

Addition (Additive Identity): a+0=a

Multiplication (Multiplicative Identity): a×1=a

These identity elements (0 for addition and 1 for multiplication) are fundamental in maintaining the integrity of numbers during operations.

Your identity is who you are. If you change your clothes, not does not change who you are as a person. This concept can be applied to addition and multiplication. When you add or multiply the number does not change.

Additive Identity Property



Multiplicative Identity Property



The multiplicative identity is used more often when working with fractions and radical expressions. When multiplying a fraction to change the denominator, you multiply the top and bottom by the same number, which is the same as multiplying by one.


To change thirds to sixths:

(1/3)⋅ (2/2) = (2/6)

By multiplying by (2/2) you are actually multiplying by one and using the identity property.

Inverse Property

The inverse property defines the number that, when added or multiplied with a given number, results in the identity element of the operation.

Addition (Additive Inverse): a+(−a)=0

Multiplication (Multiplicative Inverse): a×a1​=1, for a≠0

Understanding inverses is key to solving equations and simplifying expressions, as it involves finding the number that “undoes” the effect of another.

The inverse properties involves the opposites, or inverses, being combined. When you add inverses, you will always get zero. When you multiply inverses, you will always get one.

Additive Inverse Property



Multiplicative Inverse Property



These properties are used most often in algebra when you are trying to solve for a variable or isolate a variable. Each of these examples would use the inverse property in order to isolate the variable.




If you look at subtraction of negatives in a conceptual way you can see the Additive inverse property and the Identity property at work.

3 – (-2)

You have three positive and need to take away two negatives                    +++

A negative and a positive is equal to zero. (inverse property)          + –

When you add zero you are not changing the value. (identity property)

3 + 0 +0 = 3

+++     + –     + –     Still is equal to positive three. Now you have negatives to take away

+++   +       +         You now have a positive five.

Closure Property

The closure property states that the sum or product of any two real numbers is also a real number.

Addition: The sum of any two real numbers is a real number.

Multiplication: The product of any two real numbers is a real number.

This property confirms that real numbers are “closed” or complete under addition and multiplication.

Zero Product Property

The zero product property is specific to multiplication, stating that if the product of two numbers is zero, then at least one of the multiplicands must be zero.

Formula: If

a×b=0, then

a=0 or

b=0 or both.

This property is fundamental in solving quadratic equations and in understanding the behavior of polynomial functions.

The last property is the Zero Property, sometimes called the zero property of multiplication. This property states that if you multiply a value by zero, the product would be zero.



Once these properties are combined, it can make some complicated arithmetic simple.

452⋅3,780 ⋅(1/452)

5,293⋅(34 + 2(-17))

Key Takeaways

Foundation for Algebraic Operations: The properties of real numbers, including commutative, associative, distributive, identity, and inverse properties, provide the foundational rules for performing and simplifying algebraic operations, enabling a systematic approach to solving equations and manipulating expressions.

Enhances Mathematical Understanding: Understanding these properties deepens one’s comprehension of how numbers interact within the real number system, fostering more effective problem-solving strategies and a greater appreciation for the structure and behavior of mathematical systems.

Applicability Across Disciplines: The properties of real numbers are not just limited to mathematics; they are applicable in various fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and computer science, where they underpin the quantitative analysis and modeling of real-world phenomena.


The properties of real numbers form the bedrock of basic algebra and beyond, providing the rules that govern arithmetic operations.

These properties not only facilitate mathematical computations but also enhance our understanding of the structure and behavior of the number system.

Grasping these concepts is essential for anyone looking to delve deeper into the realms of mathematics, physics, engineering, and economics, where the real numbers play a pivotal role.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the associative property benefit calculations with real numbers?

The associative property allows for the regrouping of numbers in addition and multiplication without changing the result, making complex calculations more manageable and simplifying the process of solving mathematical problems.

What is the purpose of the inverse property in the context of real numbers?

The inverse property defines the concept of additive and multiplicative inverses, which are used to cancel out numbers and return to the identity element (0 for addition, 1 for multiplication), facilitating operations like solving equations and simplifying expressions.

Why is the closure property significant when dealing with real numbers?

The closure property ensures that the sum or product of any two real numbers will always yield another real number, confirming the set of real numbers is complete and self-sufficient for these operations, which is foundational for all of arithmetic and algebra.

In what way does the zero product property aid in algebraic problem-solving?

The zero product property is essential for solving polynomial equations because it implies that if a product equals zero, at least one of the factors must be zero, guiding the solution process for finding the roots of the equation.